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Who doesn't love shopping made easy. Shop right here for "All Things For Success & Well Being." These are some of my favorite items to help students and parents level up their academic journey, be inspired, and enjoy the process.


(From a Christian, Conservative Teacher and Parent)

Some of the links may be affiliate links. Please know you DO NOT pay more by clicking these links. Amazon pays me a tad for sending you to Amazon. 

Books For Students:

The books below are books my family enjoyed and/or books I have taught in the classroom. 

Non/ Early Readers : PreK- 2

Young Readers

Tweens/ Teens

Young Adults

Books For Parents:

-Coming Soon

Young Living Oils

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Let's Talk Sanity For Parents & Students, Shall We?


Essential Oils offer an array of benefits. We LOVE them! Everyone in my family uses them including my 2 kiddos, grandparents, aunts, uncles... the entire family. Personally, they help me relax and were an essential part of my recovery from hip labrum surgery with FAI.



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